01244 37 37 57
01244 37 37 57


Many people ask us: “What’s the difference between a Chiropodist and a Podiatrist”?

Basically, the terms now overlap. It’s reassuring for you to know however, that they are both ‘protected’ titles by law. Only graduate, registered practitioners can legally use the titles “Chiropodist” and “Podiatrist”.

chirpodist man treating foot
What can a Chiropodist treat?

Out of “Podiatry” and “Chiropody” terminology, “Chiropody” still tends to be used in line with regular foot care – of your skin and nails. Our Chiropody sessions therefore, are for general toenail trimming, scalpel removal of hard skin, corns, verruca’s, warts and all!

Regular, routine foot care is central to overall health and well-being. Everyone can feel the benefit of good, regular Chiropody sessions. If you have Diabetes or other medical conditions that impact on your foot health, it’s even more important that you have regular check-ups.

chiropodist looking at mans feet
Don't let your feet suffer in pain

Our Podiatrists (Chiropodists) at our Chester clinic are on hand to help out with your feet! It’s sometimes only when you get a spot of bother, or pain, that you realise the importance of your feet and how much discomfort an ingrown nail or corn can cause. If you find it difficult to look after your feet, our Chiropody services will be just what you need.

For a one-off fix, we can advise and treat you regarding discoloured nails, thickened nails, corns, callouses, ingrown nails, athlete’s foot, and more!

Equally, we’ll happily take up the management and regular treatment of your on-going foot-care and nail-trimming regime.

reception area
A little bit about our clinic

At our fully refurbished clinic in Chester, we have complete access to the latest equipment which Peter, Ollie and Nicky use to provide your high-quality Chiropody treatments.

Our In Motion Clinic is easy to find on the main A41 in Chester (near Chester Zoo). We also have private, free car parking on-site directly in front of the clinic itself.

We look forward to helping you soon!

Chiropody costs

Many of our patients are self-referred, who book in with us directly.

We are also recognised by all major private health insurers. This would be useful if you wish to be reimbursed through any scheme that you (or your employer) may subscribe too. Please ask us for further details and we’ll be happy to advise you.

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Chiropody Appointments

Treatments can last up to a max. 30mins, but many Chiropody Treatments (painful corn removal) can take less time.

£55 (then £50)

Happy customers

Book an Appointment

If you are suffering with any foot skin and nail issues, you can book online using the green button below. 

Alternatively, you’re most welcome to drop in and see our reception staff who can answer your questions and provide you with complimentary coffee too!

You may also call us on 01244 373757.


Our comprehensive list of available treatments

InterHearing Audiology

In Motion Clinics hosts the Chester Office for InterHearing.com (for the management of Tinnitus, Hearing Loss, Ear Wax Build-up and more).

podiatrist treating feet


Podiatry is the international name for “Foot Doctors”. It covers more specialist advice and treatment options than general Chiropody (routine foot and nail care).

shoulder massage


Whilst our team of Podiatrists can provide specific Lower Limb and Foot treatments, our Physiotherapists add much more help for your whole body aches and pains!

shockwave therapy on ankle

Shockwave Therapy

We are proud to be Chester's first clinic to use an Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy Machine for the benefit of our patients.