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01244 37 37 57

Pain Relief Injections – Steroidal and Non-Steroidal

We Provide Foot & Ankle Pain Relief Injections!

In-House Specialist Podiatrists James Dunford and Peter Colhoun provide pain relief injections.

Injections from James and Peter

James provides Steroid injections of the foot and ankle. He’ll discuss your diagnosis and treatment options in your Initial Podiatry appointment.

If you are deemed unsuitable for a Steroid Injection, then a non-steroidal Injection from Peter may be a suitable alternative.

Peter offers a non-steroidal injection which is also scientifically validated. One example from the evidence base can be accessed here:


Unsure which injection is best for you? To help guide you initially, you can’t get a steroid injection if you:

– have an allergy to local anaesthetics or steroids
– are feeling unwell systemically
– are scheduled for surgery within the next few months
– are pregnant
– are under 18
– have an artificial joint in the area to be injected
– are prescribed concurrent Coumarin anticoagulant treatments (eg, Warfarin) … these require GP input

A specific treatment plan and options can be discussed pertinent to your history and needs, in an initial podiatry appointment with James or Peter.

How Long Do Steroid Injection therapies last for?

Improvements may last over weeks, months or even longer. Benefits are noticed anywhere from 24-48hours post-injection, up to six weeks after the procedure.

NB: As with all treatments, surgeons and therapies, steroid injections are not provided with a guarantee/assurance of efficacy or cure. Your treatment plan may need to include additional treatments. For this reason, we at InMotion uniquely offer a without-charge review 4-6 weeks post-injection.


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Our comprehensive list of available treatments

Pain Relief Injections – Steroidal and Non-Steroidal

We can provide injection therapies for specific areas of foot and ankle pain. In your Initial Podiatry Consultation James or Peter will discuss your therapeutic needs in the context of your medical history and recommend the best injection for you - steroidal or non-steroidal.